
View Full Version : |SEASON 2x| New repack season 2 [no team]

07-12-2022, 12:48 AM
[New REPACK 1.02c Season 2 [NO-TEAM]

//================================================== =============
// # - Protocolo ENG
//================================================== =============
// # - Main 1.02c
//================================================== =============
//================================================== =============
// #|-- Player Commands
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [_Start] /post#|-- Global message
// => [_Start] /pkclear #|-- Clean your character's Pk / hero
// => [_Start] /reset #|-- Resets your character (Cumulative, Scoring, Tabulated)
// => [_Start] /mreset #|-- Master reset your character (Status, Resets)
// => [_Start] /readd #|-- Redistribute points
// => [_Start] /for #|-- Add strength points
// => [_Start] /agi #|-- Adds agility points
// => [_Start] /vit #|-- Adds vitality points
// => [_Start] /ene #|-- Adds energy points
// => [_Start] /cmd #|-- Add points in command
// => [_Start] /bau #|-- Multiple chests command
// => [_Start] /zen #|-- Adds zen to the character
// => [_Start] /online #|-- Shows players / GMs online
// => [_Start] /irmatamata #|-- Participates in kills kills
// => [_Start] /irpegapega #|-- Participates in the handle
// => [_Start] /irsurvivor #|-- Participates in the survivor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- GameMaster commands
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [_Start] /moveall #|-- Move all characters
// => [_Start] /disconnect #|-- Disconnects a character
// => [_Start] /gmove #|-- Move the character
// => [_Start] /trace #|-- Move you to the character
// => [_Start] /skin #|-- Adds skin to the character
// => [_Start] /premiar #|-- Reward players
// => [_Start] /quiz #|-- Register an answer
// => [_Start] /matamata #|-- Starts the kills kills event
// => [_Start] /pegapega #|-- Starts the catch-up event
// => [_Start] /survivor #|-- Starts the survivor event
// => [_Start] /firework #|-- Fireworks for everyone online
// => [_Start] /reload #|-- Reload settings
// => [_Start] ! #|-- Name + message for everyone
// => [_Start] # #|-- Name above + message to all

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- Standard Events WebZen
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [GameServer] Devil Square
// => [GameServer] Blood Castle
// => [GameServer] Chaos Castle
// => [GameServer] Kalima
// => [GameServer] Battle Soccer
// => [GameServer] Loren Deep
// => [GameServer] Golden Invasion
// => [GameServer] White Wizard
// => [GameServer] Evento Crywolf
// => [GameServer] Castle Siege
// => [GameServer] Kantru Event
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// #|-- New Customizações [MainINFO] ~ Custom.dll
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// => [Customs] Auto click (F10 = Enable, F10 = Disable)
// => [Customs] Auto Attack (F11 = Enable, F11 = Disable)
// => [Customs] Mini-Map (TAB = On, TAB = Off)
// => [Customs] Camera 3D
//==>[MAININFO] IpAddress
//==>[MAININFO] ClientSerial
//==>[MAININFO] GameServerCode0 [ Server NAME]
// => [CustomInfo] (1 = On, 0 = Off)
// => [CustomInfo] RecuoMain
// => [CustomInfo] SkillCSMain
// => [CustomInfo] GlowMain
// => [CustomInfo] Smoker Effect
// => [CustomInfo] SmokeMain
// => [CustomInfo] HPBarMain
// => [CustomInfo] MiniMapMain
// => [CustomInfo] EffectMain
// => [CustomInfo] FenrirSizeMain
//=> [CustomInfo] CustomLoginMain


[MuServer] Link MuServer Atualizado com ultimo Update de Correção !!!

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**


**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**


**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**


**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

[UPDATE] : Fixed Disconnect ao atacar no GameServer-CS

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**

[UPDATE-MAIN] : Carregamento do minimap, leitura na Minimizer (dll) + arquivo de configuração

**Hidden Content: Check the thread to see hidden data.**


[CREDITOS] : FireTeam :[Source Base 1.02c} / New Atualizações : [InFamous]