View Full Version : |Download| UltimateMU Season6.17 | Exp 150x | OPENING BETA

02-08-2023, 01:58 PM
Server location: Germany
Host: OVH
https://ultimatemu.online (https://ultimatemu.online/)

The beta server was opened on 07/02/23 for about two weeks,

in about two weeks the official server will open and the attached prizes will be distributed in the picture.

Server information:
Exp: 150X
Drop: 30%
Season: 6, Episode 17
Points per level: 5/7
Max Stats: 32767
Maximum entries from one computer: 6
Maximum people in the party: 6
Maximum players per pc: 6
Reset: at level 400
Stats reset every reset you get 600 points
Maximum rests: 50
Grand Reset: at 50 reist and level 400Stats reset and each Grand Rest gets 30,000 points
Maximum Grand Rest: 5
To perform a reset/grand reset there is a button on the lower right side

Success rage for jewels:
Jewel of Bless - 60%
Jewel of Soul - 60%
Jewel of Life - 70%
Jewel of Harmony - 60%
Jewel of Skill - 50%
Jewel of Excellent - 50%
Jewel of Luck - 50%

Chaos Machine:
Item +10 - 85%
Item +11 - 80%
Item +12 - 75%
Item +13 - 60%
Item +14 - 55%
Item +15 - 50%

/str - adds strength
/agi - adds agility
/vit - adds stamina
/ene - adds energy
/com - Adds a command
/post - writes a global message
/ware - changes bank 0-1
/clearinv - clears all objects in your box
/setparty password - creates a party with a code
/joinparty password - enters the party using a code
/answer - answer to Quiz event

