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    Entendendo/Editando ItemToolTip e ItemTooltipText

    Bom galerinha uma breve explicação de como add itens no servers Season 6, e tambem uma boa explicação do Itemtooltip.bmd e itemtooltiptext.bmd espero que ajude muitos.

    Editores utilizados:

    Este editor so edita o Itemtooltip.bmd as demais funções nao funcionam pelo que testei.

    Obs. Com MagicHand não encontrei espaços para add novos itens, então usem o ENC Editor


    Não sei se é realmente para personalizar, se é permitido ou apenas o mais obvio, para deixar cada item padrão,
    Mas é possivel colorir cada linha nas opções, veja a lista de cores disponiveis abaixo:

    // 0 sem cor, default // 1 azul // 1 vermelho // 3 amarelo // 4 verde // 5 branco e vermelho // 6 rosa //
    // 7 branco e azul // 8 amarelo e branco // 9 azul verde // 10 cinza // 11 rosa claro // 12 rosa socket // 13 laranja


    Lembrando que essas colunas correspondem se você usar o Editor da ENC postado aqui.

    C1    index item // (item(kor).txt)
    C2    number item // (item(kor).txt)
    C3    item name (importante, este que vai aparecer no JOGO e não o do ITEM.bmd)
    C4    iten type (Numeros de acordo com as cores que postei acima) (PELO QUE ENTENDI: Serve para colorir o nome do item)
    C5    não testado, todos os itens do jogo possuem Default: 1
    C6    usado varios valores, não surtio efeito no item. ID itens 62 até 72, index 7,8,9,10,11 = 1 , resto = 0 ***
    C7    usado varios valores, não surtio efeito no item. deixar como default 1.
    C8    (-1 normal item, 0 quest item)
    C9    (Linha 01, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    c10    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C11    (Linha 02, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C12    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C13    (Linha 03, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options) 
    C14    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C15    (Linha 04, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options) 
    C16    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C17    (Linha 05, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C18    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C19    (Linha 06, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C20    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C21    (Linha 07, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C22    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C23    (Linha 08, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options) 
    C24    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C23    (Linha 09, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options) 
    C24    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C25    não faço ideia
    C26    não faço ideia
    C27    (Linha 10, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C28    dano referido ao add arma
    C29    (Linha 11, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C30    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)
    C31    (Linha 12, 0 one hand item, 1 two hand item, ItemTooltipText.bmd = Ver para completar corretamente os Options)
    C32    (Cor da linha, (valores no codigo) Essa cor pertence a linha acima)

    Obs: Ainda nao achamos um programa que edite este Itemtooltiptext.bmd caso alguem tenha por favor disponibilize ai pra gente.

    Esses valores, no caso os numéricos são utilizados para completar as Colunas,
    9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 27, 29, 31
    Assim como explicado nos Codigos acima;

    Explicando MELHOR:
    É com esses codigos ABAIXO, que você irá dizer se o item será, um SET(3), se é uma SWORD 1 MÂO(0), se é uma SWOD 2 MÂO(1),
    ou se por exemplo é um Potion(2).

    0    "One handed attack power: %d~%d"
    1    "Two handed attack power: %d~%d"
    2    "Number of items: %d"
    3    "Armor: %d"
    4    "Magic resistance: %d"
    5    "Defense rate: %d"
    6    "Attack speed: %d"
    7    "Movement speed: %d"
    8    "Durability: [%d/%d]"
    9    "Minimum level required: %d"
    10    "(Lacking %d levels)"
    11    "Strength available: %d"
    12    "(Lacking %d strength)"
    13    "Agility available: %d"
    14    "(Lacking: %d agility)"
    15    "Available HP: %d"
    16    "(Lacking %d HP)"
    17    "Available energy: %d"
    18    "(Lacking %d energy)"
    19    "Command available: %d"
    20    "(Lacking %d leadership)"
    21    "Increases pet attack power by %d%%"
    22    "Increases wizardry by %d%%"
    23    "Increases curse spell by %d%%"
    24    "Increases swimming speed"
    25    "Increases movement speed"
    26    "Increases damage by %d%%"
    27    "Increases damage by %d%%"
    28    "Increases damage by %d%%"
    29    "Increases damage by %d%%"
    30    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    31    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    32    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    33    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    34    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    35    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    36    "Absorb %d%% of damage"
    37    "Combines %d %s"
    38    "Available after dismantling"
    39    "It is used to combine chaos items"
    40    "Throw it on the ground to make money and items appear."
    41    "Fire attribute"
    42    "Water attribute"
    43    "Ice attribute"
    44    "Wind attribute"
    45    "Lightning attribute"
    46    "Earth attribute"
    47    "Element: : %s"
    48    "Level: 1"
    49    "Level: 2"
    50    "Level: 3"
    51    "Level: 4"
    52    "Level: 5"
    53    "Increases by %s"
    54    "Absorb 20%% of damage"
    55    "Increases maximum HP by +50"
    56    "HP: %d"
    57    "Increases attack power and wizardry by 30%%"
    58    "Increases damage by 15%%"
    59    "Absorb 10%% of damage"
    60    "Unable to equip while wearing a different transformation ring"
    61    "Durability: [%d]"
    62    "Used when creating a Cloak of Invisibility"
    63    "Used when entering the Blood Castle."
    64    "Right click to see how much time is left."
    65    "A #Horn Fragment can be made by combining the Divine Protection of the Goddess and an Armor Fragment."
    66    "A #Broken Horn can be made by combining a Beastly Claw and a Horn Fragment."
    67    "Horn of Fenrir can be #made by combining items."
    68    "Cannot be repaired"
    69    "Elite Centaur researcher's I.D."
    70    "You can enter the refinery tower."
    71    "%d number/20"
    72    "%d number/10"
    73    "Increases defense by 10%"
    74    "Increases HP by %d"
    75    "Enjoy the Halloween festivities."
    76    "Unable to equip while wearing a different transformation ring"
    77    "Increases attack power by 20"
    78    "Increases wizardry by 20"
    79    "Merry Christmas."
    80    "Increases ice, poison, lighting, fire, earth, and fire skill attack power by 255"
    81    "Increases Exp gain rate."
    82    "Increases Exp gain rate and item drop rate."
    83    "Prevents Exp from being gained."
    84    "This entrance to Devil Square can only be used a specified number of times."
    85    "You will be assigned to a stage according to your level."
    86    "Usable %dtimes"
    87    "This entrance to the Blood Castle can only be used a specified number of times."
    88    "This entrance to Kalima can only be used a specified number of times."
    89    "Assemble the Scroll of Blood with the contract from the Illusion Sorcery."
    90    "Combine the Scroll of Blood with the Old Scroll."
    91    "Evidence which makes the Illusion Sorcerer appear."
    92    "Required to enter the temple."
    93    "Ingredients for the 3rd wing assembly"
    94    "Reset point: %d"
    95    "Resets the status."
    96    "This can be used on unequipped items"
    97    "You are free to move on."
    98    "Downloadable"
    99    "This reduces your kill rate."
    100    "This entrance to the Illusion Temple can only be used a specified number of times."
    101    "Exp gain rate is increased by %d%%"
    102    "Automatic HP recovery rate increased by %d%%"
    103    "Increases your Exp gain rate and HP recovery rate."
    104    "Increases item drop rate by %d%%"
    105    "Increases automatic Mana recovery rate by %d%%"
    106    "Automatic Mana recovery "
    107    "Increases Damage, Wizardry and Curse by 40%%"
    108    "Increases attack speed by 10"
    109    "Reduces damage from monsters by 30%%"
    110    "Increases maximum HP by 50"
    111    "Right click to warp to Santa's Village."
    112    "Auto-collects zen around you."
    113    "Remember where you die."
    114    "Move by clicking the right mouse button."
    115    "You can save your location."
    116    "Items/Skills/Luck/Options will be randomly generated."
    117    "Transforms you into a Panda."
    118    "Increases Zen by 50%% "
    119    "Attack/Wizardry/Curse +30"
    120    "Increases Exp gain rate by 50%%"
    121    "Increase Defensive Skill +50"
    122    "Exp and items are preserved when a character dies."
    123    "There is no penalty for dying."
    124    "Right click to use."
    125    "Items will not lose durability points for a certain amount of time."
    126    "Maintains item durability"
    127    "Applies only to equippable items and pets."
    128    "Increases your chance of creating the wings you desire."
    129    "Increases your chance of creating Wings of Satan."
    130    "Increases your chance of creating Wings of Heaven."
    131    "Increases your chance of creating the wings you desire."
    132    "Increases your chance of creating Wing of Curse."
    133    "Increases your chance of creating the Emperor's Cape."
    134    "Increases your chance of creating Wings of Dragon."
    135    "Increases your chance of creating Wings of Soul."
    136    "Increases your chance of creating Wings of Spirits."
    137    "Increases your chance of creating Wind of Despair."
    138    "Increases your chance of creating Darkness Wings."
    139    "Increases Exp gain rate."
    140    "Warp map window available."
    141    "Increases Exp gain rate and item drop rate."
    142    "Increases attack rate and defense rate."
    143    "Increases Exp gain rate by up to 170%%, depending on the number of people in your party"
    144    "Increase maximum AG + level"
    145    "Increases maximum SD + level by 10x"
    146    "Increases automatic HP recovery rate by 3%%"
    147    "Increases maximum Mana by 4%%"
    148    "Increases maximum HP by 4%%"
    149    "Increases the amount of Zen received for killing monsters by 30%%"
    150    "Decreases damage received by 4%%"
    151    "Increases your chance of doing Excellent damage by 10%%"
    152    "Increases attack speed by 7"
    153    "Increases Mana received from killing monsters by Mana/8"
    154    "Increases item drop rate."
    155    "Temporarily maintains HP."
    156    "Duration: 6 hours"
    157    "Duration: 24 hours"
    158    "Duration: 7 days"
    159    "Duration: 30 days"
    160    "This entrance to the Chaos Castle can only be used a specified number of times."
    161    "Equip this to transform into a Skeleton Warrior."
    162    "Attack/Wizardry/Curse +40"
    163    "Increases Exp gain rate by 30%% when equipped along with a pet skeleton."
    164    "Increases attack, wizardry and curse damage by 20%%"
    165    "Increases Exp gain rate by 30%%"
    166    "Increases Exp gain rate by 30%% when equipped along with a Skeleton Transformation Ring."
    167    "You can enter to Paid Channel Channel."
    168    "Expires in 7 days"
    169    "This entrance to Doppelganger can only be used a specified number of times."
    170    "This entrance to the Varka can only be used a specified number of times."
    171    "This map can be entered from Monday - Saturday."
    172    "This entrance to the Varka map 7 can only be used a specified number of times."
    173    "This map can be entered on Sunday."
    174    "(in use)"
    175    "Idol"
    176    "Increases critical damage by 10"
    177    "Right click on this item in your inventory to use it."
    178    "Charm"
    179    "Increases maximum HP by 50"
    180    "Increases maximum MP by 50"
    181    "Increases maximum HP by 100"
    182    "Increases maximum SD by 500"
    183    "Increases maximum MP by 150"
    184    "Increases maximum AG by 50"
    185    "Relic"
    186    "Increases item drop rate by 20%%"
    187    "You can make special items by combining chaos cards."
    188    "You can register an item by giving it to an NPC."
    189    "It is used to increase your item level up to 6"
    190    "This is used to increase your item level to 7,8,or 9"
    191    "Increases item by 1 level"
    192    "This is used to combine items to create a Devil Square Invitation"
    193    "Right click to see how much time is left."
    194    "Use this to create fruits that increase your stats"
    195    "Quest Item"
    196    "Cannot be stored in a warehouse."
    197    "Cannot be traded"
    198    "%d / 5"
    199    "Can create the lost map."
    200    "%d is needed to create the lost map."
    201    "Create and improve siege items"
    202    "Impure Jewel"
    203    "Item Enhancement Jewel"
    204    "Used to upgrade enhanced items"
    205    "Drop this to receive a gift."
    206    "Increases attack speed by %d"
    207    "Increases attack power by %d"
    208    "Increases defense power by %d"
    209    "Increases maximum HP by %d"
    210    "Increases maximum Mana by %d"
    211    "Throw this on the ground to produce Fireworks."
    212    "The GM has given you this special gift."
    213    "Increases the combination rate, but only up to the maximum rate."
    214    "%d%% increase in combination success rate"
    215    "Throw this item on the ground to get money or a piece of armor."
    216    "Congratulations!!#Item exchange is only possible after contacting our CS team."
    217    "Movement speed reduced when acquired"
    218    "Restores Stamina by 100%% immediately."
    219    "Immediately restores 100%% Mana."
    220    "Increases attack speed by %d"
    221    "Increases defense rate by %d"
    222    "Increases attack power by %d"
    223    "Increases wizardry by %d"
    224    "Increases HP by %d"
    225    "Increases Mana by %d"
    226    "Increases strength by %d"
    227    "Increases agility by %d"
    228    "Increases HP by %d"
    229    "Increases energy by %d"
    230    "Increases Command by %d"
    231    "#Increases stats for a set time period."
    232    "Can be equipped by %s"
    233    "Increases maximum Mana by 700"
    234    "Increases maximum HP by 700"
    235    "Increases attack and wizardry power by 40"
    236    "Collect and take them to the Cherry Blossom Spirit for compensation."
    237    "Reward for 10 pieces"
    238    "Reward for 30 pieces"
    239    "Reward for 50 pieces"
    240    "Reward for 255 pieces"
    241    "You can create a Summoner."
    242    "Produce Normal or High Level Items"
    243    "Produce Event Items"
    244    "Immediately restores Stamina by 65%%."
    245    "Produce Beginner Items"
    246    "You need at least a +10~+15 item level upgrade to prevent this item from disappearing."
    247    "Use this after putting it into the combination window"
    248    "Increases Critical Damage by 20%%"
    249    "Increases Excellent Damage by 20%%"
    250    "You may continue to use the strengthener."
    251    "Register with the NPC to receive gifts."
    252    "This is a worn piece of paper containing #incomprehensible text."
    253    "This is the plan to destroy the Gaion empire and the Command of Empire Guardians."
    254    "You may enter the Fortress of Empire Guardians."
    255    "It's part of a Complete Secromicon."
    256    "Indestructible Metal Secromicon"
    257    "Contains information about Grand Wizard Etramu Lenos's research."
    258    "This is a sign infused with dimensional traces."
    259    "Collecting 5 of these automatically produces a Dimensional Mirror."
    260    "You need %d more to create a Dimensional Mirror."
    261    "This is a key that can only be used to teleport to Doppelganger through NPC Lugard."
    262    "Combining a Goblin # with a sealed Silver Box creates a Silver Box."
    263    "Combining a Goblin # with a sealed Gold Box creates a Golden Box."
    264    "You can acquire Goblin Points by using storage from MU's in-game item shop."
    265    "Combining a Goblin # with a Golden Key creates a Golden Box."
    266    "Combining a Goblin # with a Silver Key creates a Silver Box."
    267    "This item has a fixed probability of turning into a rare item when dropped."
    268    "Immediately restores SD by 65%%."
    269    "This box contains various items."
    270    "Increases maximum HP by 100"
    271    "Click this item to see information about the quest."
    272    "Lv. 350 - 400"
    273    "Bring this to Tercia to refund your deposit."
    274    "You can obtain the powder from Queen Rainier."
    275    "A rare jewel possessed by the Bloody Witch Queen."
    276    "A suit of armor once worn by Tantalos."
    277    "A mace once wielded by the Burnt Murderer."
    278    "Throw this item on the ground to receive money or a weapon."
    279    "Throw this item on the ground to receive money or a piece of armor."
    280    "Throw this item on the ground to receive money, a jewel, or a ticket."
    281    "This Jewel is used to repair Lucky Items"
    282    "Item Enhancement Jewel"
    283    "This item expands your inventory."
    284    "After use, it will become active the next time you connect."
    285    "Wizardry damage: %d - %d"
    286    "Cannot be sold."
    287    "When you drop it on the ground, "
    288    "[Sign of lord/Zen/Jewel/Item]"
    289    "and you will receive one of the above items."
    290    "Free entrance to Kalima"
    291    "Increases HP"
    292    "Moves to the corresponding area in 3 seconds"
    293    "Increases 1~3 energy stat points"
    294    "Increases 1~3 HP stat points"
    295    "Increases 1~3 agility stat points"
    296    "Increases 1~3 strength stat points"
    297    "Increases 1~3 command stat points"
    298    "Can decrease energy by 1~9 points"
    299    "Can decrease HP by 1~9 points"
    300    "Can decrease agility by 1~9 points"
    301    "Can decrease strength by 1~9 points"
    302    "Can decrease command by 1~9 points"
    303    "Used to upgrade wings"
    304    "Used to make the Cape of the Lord"
    305    "Used in online events."
    306    "Used in My Friend events."
    307    "Used for siege registration."
    308    "You can throw if you are at least level 40"
    309    "Requires level 80 to throw."
    310    "Increases damage by 20%%"
    311    "Duration: 120 seconds"
    312    "Only applicable to the castle gate and statue"
    313    "Increases AG recovery speed by 8"
    314    "Increases resistance to Lightning and Ice"
    315    "Scroll of guardian"
    316    "Place Life Stone"
    317    "Used in Dark Horse resurrection."
    318    "Used in Dark Spirit resurrection."
    319    "[Blue Crystal/Red Crystal/Black Crystal]"
    320    "If this is used on an event combination or thrown on the floor, it will explode and disappear."
    321    "Throw this to receive money or items."
    322    "Click to return to your save location."
    323    "Right click to save your location."
    324    "Increases damage by 3%%"
    325    "Increases damage by 5%%"
    326    "Increases damage by 7%%"
    327    "Increases attack power by 1"
    328    "Storage area: %s/location: (%d,%d)"
    329    "Plasma Storm (Mana:50)"
    330    "With this equipped, you can summons Fenrir."
    331    "Skills improve through upgrades."
    332    "Increases final damage by 10%%"
    333    "With this equipped, you can summons Fenrir."
    334    "%d HP increase#%d Mana increase"
    335    "%d attack power increase# %d wizardry increase"
    336    "This is specially designed for heroes who have triumphed in the Illusion Temple."
    337    "Ice resistance: %d"
    338    "Poison resistance: %d"
    339    "Lightning resistance: %d"
    340    "Fire resistance: %d"
    341    "Earth resistance: %d"
    342    "Wind resistance: %d"
    343    "Water resistance: %d"
    344    "Receive a reward for returning this to the Archangel."
    345    "Increases excellent damage by +10"
    346    "Archer"
    347    "Spearman"
    348    "Increases attack speed by 20"
    349    "Rena"
    350    "Absorbs 10%% of final damage"

    Lembrando QUE: Caso o ItemToolTip.bmd não seja editado em conjunto com o Item.bmd os itens não terão nomes e atributos no cliente.
    Mesmo ele FUNCIONANDO NORMALMENTE, o player ficara com duvidas, de mesmo até o nome ou se ele pode usar ou não ; )

    ** Possuem mais códigos, mas eu não testei um por um, apenas os mais importantes.
    *** Esses item com código 1 (Coluna 6), são alguns novos itens que não tenho muito conhecimento. Utilize sempre 0 para os demais.

    Caso alguém saiba mais alguma coisa, me envie um PM para eu poder completar esse tutorial.


    Então para adicionar algum item novo no servidor adicione no item.txt do server e nos demais locais, no item.bmd do cliente tambem e edite o itemtooltip.bmd conforme expliquei acima, lembrando caso o item nao esteja adicionado corretamente nestes arquivos, ira conter bugs de descrição nomes ou ate mesmo nao aparecer no game, faça o download do editor da ENC (utilizado e testado, funciona 100%).
    Vá até a ultima linha e preencha com o que você aprendeu aqui! ; )


    Tutorial: h4ii0w33n
    ItemToolTipText.txt: Chris05
    Edições: Tck

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