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    Administrador PerfectZone MeNoN's Avatar

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    Source Louis Emulator S4 S6 S8 (update 15)

    //ChangeLog MuEmu by louis//Muserver Season 4,6,8
    JANUARY 2017
    - Add CustomMove
    - Add Rei do MU Event
    - Fix CustomJewel in Main
    - Active MHP
    FEBRUARY 2017
    - Add HpBonus System
    - Add Kill Message System
    - Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver
    - Add MasterSkillTree Reset
    - Fix Duel DC (s8)
    - Fix Pentagram jewel(remove before put in ware) (s8)
    MARCH 2017
    - Fix Duel Trade (s8)
    - Add Main Memory reduction
    - Add Guard CustomMessage
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingDevilSquare
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingBloodCastle
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingChaos Castle
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingIllusionTemple
    - Add Colunn WinScore_semanal in RankingDuel
    - Add in DataServer update semanal colls
    APRIL 2017
    - Add BotBuffer System
    - Add SD/HD bar in Character (S4/S6)
    - Add Command Clear Inventory
    - Active Encrypt in Client/Server.
    - Fix Friend Message Title Inject (DataServer)
    MAY 2017
    - Add OpenWare Command
    - Add SetVip Command
    - Add Marry System
    - Change HP/SD Bar Interface
    - Fix BotBuffer Power
    - Fix Store Dupe
    - Fix Duel MinLevel
    JUNE 2017
    - Add Reload Command
    - Add Reward Command
    - Add ChangeClass Command
    - Add OnlineLottery Event
    - Add Disconnect User in GameServer Menu
    - Add Start OnlineLoterry GameServer Menu
    - Add OffStore and OffAttack count in GameServer Title Bar
    JULY 2017 UPDATE 2
    - Add Itens Level +15 (Season 4)
    - Add Info Command   
    - Add Change Name Command
    - Add BanAcc Command   
    - Add BanChar Command   
    - Add DynamicEffect in Main (S4/S6/S8)
    - Add Max Use Time in Attack command
    - Add Option to disable Online User/GM Message   
    - Add Event Hide and Seek   
    - Add Event Run and Catch   
    - Add option to disable exp message on kill mob   
    - Change MaxCustom Wings to 100
    - Fix Money remove when use ResetTable system.
    - Fix Socket jewel aplly in no socket item   
    - Fix CustomEffect problems in Main.dll
    - Fix remove BC,DS,IT invite
    - Fix Skill elf on /attack
    - Fix Clear Effects on change class   
    - Fix /store bless Crash (Season 6)
    - Add Custom Summon on Kill Mob   
    - Evento Veloz   
    - /openevent /join   
    - Disable/Enable Skill Effect (Ex:Cyclone)   
    - Add Custom exp on Offattack and Autoreset   
    AUGUST 2017 UPDATE 3
    - Add MakeSet Command
    - Add Drop Command
    - Option to Remove Offstore/offattack in OnlineLottery   
    - Jewel of socket Aply in pentagram (Season8)   
    - ADD gift command   
    - Add Custom Quest System   
    - Add Russian Roulette Event   
    - Add Max Use Time in Store command
    - New King of Mu Event   
    - Add Reward Coins in BC,DS,CC   
    - add /toprr /topmr etc   
    - Somente gm fazer o casamento   
    - Disable Wing Mix Class   
    - Remove Class in Main (RF,SU,DL)   
    - Custom Auto Quiz Event   
    - Need ticket to change name Option (S6/S8)   
    - Custom WingMix (Chaos Mix)   
    - Custom Death Message   
    - Custom Npc Collector (trade items per Coins)   
    - Readd point command   
    - Advanced Make itens (/make, /drop, /makeset)   
    - Custom Rank User System (S4,S6)   
    - Disable HP Bar of Monster or User Option   
    - Updated JoinServer to fix dupes   
    - Allow Pk enter in events (BC,CC,DS)   
    - New Gamserver Interface
    - Message Box on Close JS, DS
    - Option TimeToEnter in new events
    - Show Duel Message (S4)
    - Add Delay Option in Custtom Attack
    - Add Delay to Use Potions in Custom Attack
    - Add Auto buff em Custom Attack
    - Attack command disable when set /attack again
    - Add Custom Attack per Map
    - Add Custom attack skill
    - Add Auto Pick command
    - PK drop
    - On login disconnect online account
    - Fix when kill Kundun in k6 move to k7
    - Fix PcPoint Value (Season 4)
    UPDATE 6
    NOVEMBER 2017
    DECEMBER 2017
    JANUARY 2018
    - Show time to start events in GS   
    - Start Blood Castle Option in GS menu   
    - Start Devil Square Option in GS menu   
    - Start Chaos Castle Option in GS menu   
    - Start Illu. Temple Option in GS menu   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingBloodCastle   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingDevildSquare   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingChaosCastle   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingIllusion Temple   
    - Combo skills for all class   
    - Enable Cs Skills in All Maps   
    - Add shop to buy vip   
    - Custom ranking in game   
    - New command /remaster   
    - New command /ajuda (help)   
    - New command /startbc (help)   
    - New command /startds (help)   
    - New command /startcc (help)   
    - New command /startit (help)   
    - Released 10 custom maps   
    - Released 10 custom bows/crossbows   
    - Disable Reflect Effect   
    - Auto reward run and catch event   
    - Auto reward hide and seek event   
    - Auto reward russian roulette event   
    - Auto reward quickly event   
    - Auto reward Online Lottery event   
    - Fix Set item drop in event item bag   
    - Fix Pc Point value 2 (S4)   
    - Fix Put Custom Wings in Chaos machine(S6)   
    - Fix RF skill Client Crash(S6)   
    UPDATE 7
    FEBRUARY 2018
    - Print screen with logo   
    - RankUser by MasterReset or Reset   
    - Command/description system   
    - New Command.txt system   
    - Require coins to use commands   
    - New Command disablePVP
    - New Command Lock/Unlock   
    - Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
    - Fix duel level message   
    - Fix dead gates of custom mapas   
    - Fix Start Events crash   
    - Improvements events times   
    - /pick best performace   
    - Fix Open Multi-game lag
    UPDATE 8
    MARCH 2018
    - New Command MoveAll   
    - New Command MoveGuild   
    - Event Time Window   
    - Commands Window   
    - New PvP Event(x1)   
    - New Event KillAll   
    - New Custom Menu   
    - BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
    - Add triple shot skill in /attack   
    - Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
    - Update in events time in GS   
    UPDATE 8
    MARCH 2018
    - New Command MoveAll   
    - New Command MoveGuild   
    - Event Time Window   
    - Commands Window   
    - New PvP Event(x1)   
    - New Event KillAll   
    - New Custom Menu   
    - BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
    - Add triple shot skill in /attack   
    - Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
    - Update in events time in GS
    UPDATE 9
    APRIL 2018
    - Common Shop with Socket/Ancient Options   
    - Advanced ZenDrop System   
    - PcPoint Shop with Socket/Ancient Options(S4)   
    - Custom Store wich Cash/gold(S4)   
    - New Command /SetCoin   
    - New Command /Pack jewel   
    - New Command /spot   
    - New Command /startquiz
    - New Command /startdrop
    - New Command /startking
    - New Command /startvt
    - Custom Item Description(S4)   
    - Custom Sell/Buy Value in Common Shop   
    - Bloc word in change name   
    - Add MasterReset required in CustomMove   
    - Add New Dl/Elf Skills in /Attack   
    - CustomCombo improvements   
    - New Team vs team Event   
    - Removed RankUser in Chaos Castle   
    - Removed disabled events in EventTime
    - Fix Kriss lag   OK
    - Fix RankUser Reward   
    - Fix HpBonus Descrease life   
    - Fix Reload Event time   
    UPDATE 10:
    MAY 2018
    - Add Fog effect   
    - Add Smoke effect   
    - Custom disable effects   
    - New MiniMap
    - Fix Kalima + OffPvp
    - Fix CommandDescription with %   
    - Fix Store with time
    - Fix Pack Jewels(S4)   
    - Fix Conqueror wing glow(S8)   
    - Fix Angel and Devil wing glow(S8)   
    - Fix visual skills in attack   
    - Fix Repair All in BlackSmith   
    - Fix DarkSpirit in Offpvp   
    UPDATE 11:
    JUNE 2018
    - Add infinity arrow auto buff   
    - Add /attack auto resume   
    - Add Tvt Event Min/Max Users   
    - Add command notice if need coin to use   
    - Add Expire Date/Message in /banacc command   
    - Add Expire Date/Message in /banchar command   
    - Add auto remove ban   
    - Disable MiniMap with TAB (S6)   
    - Guild Warehouse   
    - Custom Monster/NPC   
    - Custom NPC name   
    - Custom Shops with same NPC   
    - Fix trade events with /re off   
    - Fix full zen bug trade+command   
    - Fix Gameserver maximize layout   
    - Fix PvP Event Respaw   
    UPDATE 12:
    JULY 2018
    - Custom NPC move OK
    - CustomCommandInfo (v2)   
    - Custom RankUser OverHead   
    - Custom Party Icon(s4/s6)
    - Trade Value   
    - Party Disable PK   
    - New Anti SpeedHack Skill System   
    - Update TvtEvent new requistes   
    - Add Auto Heal Skill in /Attack   
    - Add Global Password System   
    - Option to show Rankuser in all places   
    - Option to Hide Reset in Rankuser   
    - Option to Hide MReset in Rankuser   
    - Option to Change MReset name in Rankuser   
    - Disable Party HpBar option   
    - Increase CustomShops to 100   
    - Fixes in custom buy vip windows   
    - Others fixes   
    UPDATE 13:
    - GS and GSCS new interface   
    - MasterReset remove fixed resets   
    - Command Start Invasion   
    - Command Start Custom Arena   
    - Custom Quest Command (v2)   
    - Custom EventTime (v2)   
    - Custom Npc Quest   
    - Custom Npc Name up to 100   
    - Custom Pick (v2)   
    - Add Custom Pick Excelent   
    - Add Custom Pick Socket   
    - Add Custom Pick SetItem   
    - Enable Lucky item trade   
    - Disable Duel Restore HP   
    - Disable Duel Restore SD   
    - Require Reset/MResets to enter in room   
    - Add Reset/MasterReset Requisite on Create Character
    - Fixes in MapServerMove   
    - Other fixes   
    UPDATE 14:
    - Custom RF Gloves (S6)
    - Custom Start Item
    - Custom Interdace (S6)
    - Speed SkillHack auto bloc account
    - Add PK disable shop option
    - Add PK disable trade option
    - Add SummonMonsterRate in CustomMonster.txt
    - Show ping in game option
    - Show Fps in game option
    - Stop Auto Reset when vip is over
    - Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died
    - Fix Custom CommandInfo (S8)
    - Fix DL Summon Party Skill (PK)
    - Fix Pk Item drop to PkLevel 3 only
    - Fix BuyVip + CustomStore
    - Fix GuildWareHouse + Lock command
    - Fix Reset remove zen
    - Fix OffPvp command in Events
    - Fix RankUser in GameMaster
    - Fix Start event option
    - Fix in Disconnect Accounts
    - Fix Npc Quest Add Buff
    UPDATE 15:
    - Add Duel MaxScore Option
    - Add CustomMove to CustomNpcCommand
    - Add CustomExchangeCoin to CustomNpcCommand
    - Add Pk Drop Item by map Option
    - Add Berserker buff(SUM) in Custom Attack
    - Auto Reward Online Users System
    - Auto Party buff Mana shield in Custom Attack
    - Custom Exchange Coin Command
    - Custom Duel Bet
    - Custom Mix
    - Custom disable item glow
    - Guils vs Guils Event
    - Skill Summon enable PK Move Option
    - MapManager.txt updated
    - Skill Damage System
    - Guild Assistant/Battle Master can get Cs Crown
    - Fix S6 Duel Score with Custom Interface S1/S2/S3
    - Fix update MasterReset/Reset in rank user
    - Fix Master Reset check in Custom Move
    - Fix Guild Warehouse Dupe

    Ajude o teu próximo sempre e a ajuda virá até você (Só os insignificantes se gratificam com o egoísmo e ingratidão !)​

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    0nline, 3us0hb0m, 41291, 50510, ackles, Aero, aiden03, ailsoncost, alelins, alex.barreto, allansfc, André, andygarcia, antoniodel, away337159, Berte, Betell Host, brunoap, Brunobotter, BrunoM, caco antibies, cagadamu, caminhada, carlos98costa, carper, cassi159, chakal001, chakall02, champou, claudineyqr, coolgepds, CrashOverride, daniel, Darck, davidrcj, death666, devemu, dhioniferlan, djagripnos, Drago, Elettro, ellite2, elrosrj, embreve, fabinalves, famma, Fatf22, fbelavenuto, fealsan, felipe8745, galov63970, gffranzoni, gilbertogtk, gilmarxd, gojta, guiklynz, H3LLS1NG, hald22, hamud22, hanzel, harry130, heldevare, hieuvt, hinetworks, hola23, hollows, Hunterzr, ichigo, InFamous, iRvX, IsaacSabir, iVelox, jamuceiba, jeansousa, Jeferson, jk2013, joaofx, joaovithor1, jonatasribeiro, kennybui, keny, Kharnoxy, KoyaBR, kslobao, LaMO, leobuares, lestaty, llcoquelete, lobinhopk, lotto4K4K, luan3247, lucadias1010, Lucas, LuizerA, magos775, malke, mandrakeadm, Marceliin, marcelo376, marcoquadros, masterchief, MasterVendas, mateus2255, matheusmarquezan, matheussemler, mauri193, mauryu, michellahn, mid996, mrdieguinhoo, mumisiones, Murilo, mutantekut, muzic25, n0skii, NelsaoPedrada, nescafe, Nicacio, njinex, oling, OMagoDev, onlinezajzaj, p3zao, pachecofox, pagane, patch, Pedro Borges, pemakkaa, Pokeystabber, poliguela, preguica, ProTecno, Ramon, rapiro, ratox3, RBFD, regiblindao25, Regnor, renansmoke, RevolGaming, ricardo, rodrigosjrp, ronanpires, Ruller91, s00x, saige, saske98, screamofheart, semrezenha, shakalbr, showmax, SkrillRO, skyleater, slinxd, SoroSamy, Tenente-BK, thangnvv, tiagozika, tibetano, tiojotta, tkporreta, tunados123, Tyranus, Tyrboboy, unico, Vaas, veimateus, vhsg, vickvick, vinicios87, Vinyloko, vipgale01, vital14, vithhx, vlock, W-Team Dev, webzemuk, welington, wilber789, Wlisses, xiaowcji33, xstonebb, xuanyuan, yang8247615, yasuo0200, z348870672, ZeusX, zumm3d

  3. #2
    Iniciante Vinyloko's Avatar

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    Olá, estou com o seguinte erro para compilar o gameServer:

    1>SkillManager.cpp(7): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '..\\..\\Util\\Math.h': No such file or directory

    Você teria os arquivos que faltam? no caso a pasta Util?

  4. #3
    Fundador PerfectZone Mentor's Avatar

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    Citação Originally Posted by Vinyloko Ver Post
    Olá, estou com o seguinte erro para compilar o gameServer:

    1>SkillManager.cpp(7): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: '..\\..\\Util\\Math.h': No such file or directory

    Você teria os arquivos que faltam? no caso a pasta Util?

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  6. #4
    Lendário djagripnos's Avatar

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    Server Files Season 4 ?

  7. #5
    Iniciante gojta's Avatar

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    Oi estou com problema quando compilo o GS ele abre e fecha acho que pode ser porque não tenho o muserver up 15 alguem tem um e o cliente tbm se possivel

  8. #6
    Iniciante saige's Avatar

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    United States
    Can anyone share Server + Client for Update 15?

    Have Code for Downgrading to Season 3 Interface?


  9. #7
    Iniciante preguica's Avatar

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    Question linux

    Eu consigo compilar em linux? e o banco de dados onde pego a referencia?

  10. #8
    Iniciante BrunoM's Avatar

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    Quando compila a source e liga o gs da o erro Não autorizado #1 Verifique sua licença com o suporte!

    Onde desabilita ?

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  12. #9
    Membro VIP vhsg's Avatar

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    estou com o mesmo problema

    Citação Originally Posted by BrunoM Ver Post
    Quando compila a source e liga o gs da o erro Não autorizado #1 Verifique sua licença com o suporte!

    Onde desabilita ?

  13. #10
    3D MAKER unico's Avatar

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    Citação Originally Posted by MeNoN Ver Post

    //ChangeLog MuEmu by louis//Muserver Season 4,6,8
    JANUARY 2017
    - Add CustomMove
    - Add Rei do MU Event
    - Fix CustomJewel in Main
    - Active MHP
    FEBRUARY 2017
    - Add HpBonus System
    - Add Kill Message System
    - Add MessageBox Yes/No on Close Gameserver
    - Add MasterSkillTree Reset
    - Fix Duel DC (s8)
    - Fix Pentagram jewel(remove before put in ware) (s8)
    MARCH 2017
    - Fix Duel Trade (s8)
    - Add Main Memory reduction
    - Add Guard CustomMessage
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingDevilSquare
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingBloodCastle
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingChaos Castle
    - Add Colunn Score_semanal in RankingIllusionTemple
    - Add Colunn WinScore_semanal in RankingDuel
    - Add in DataServer update semanal colls
    APRIL 2017
    - Add BotBuffer System
    - Add SD/HD bar in Character (S4/S6)
    - Add Command Clear Inventory
    - Active Encrypt in Client/Server.
    - Fix Friend Message Title Inject (DataServer)
    MAY 2017
    - Add OpenWare Command
    - Add SetVip Command
    - Add Marry System
    - Change HP/SD Bar Interface
    - Fix BotBuffer Power
    - Fix Store Dupe
    - Fix Duel MinLevel
    JUNE 2017
    - Add Reload Command
    - Add Reward Command
    - Add ChangeClass Command
    - Add OnlineLottery Event
    - Add Disconnect User in GameServer Menu
    - Add Start OnlineLoterry GameServer Menu
    - Add OffStore and OffAttack count in GameServer Title Bar
    JULY 2017 UPDATE 2
    - Add Itens Level +15 (Season 4)
    - Add Info Command   
    - Add Change Name Command
    - Add BanAcc Command   
    - Add BanChar Command   
    - Add DynamicEffect in Main (S4/S6/S8)
    - Add Max Use Time in Attack command
    - Add Option to disable Online User/GM Message   
    - Add Event Hide and Seek   
    - Add Event Run and Catch   
    - Add option to disable exp message on kill mob   
    - Change MaxCustom Wings to 100
    - Fix Money remove when use ResetTable system.
    - Fix Socket jewel aplly in no socket item   
    - Fix CustomEffect problems in Main.dll
    - Fix remove BC,DS,IT invite
    - Fix Skill elf on /attack
    - Fix Clear Effects on change class   
    - Fix /store bless Crash (Season 6)
    - Add Custom Summon on Kill Mob   
    - Evento Veloz   
    - /openevent /join   
    - Disable/Enable Skill Effect (Ex:Cyclone)   
    - Add Custom exp on Offattack and Autoreset   
    AUGUST 2017 UPDATE 3
    - Add MakeSet Command
    - Add Drop Command
    - Option to Remove Offstore/offattack in OnlineLottery   
    - Jewel of socket Aply in pentagram (Season8)   
    - ADD gift command   
    - Add Custom Quest System   
    - Add Russian Roulette Event   
    - Add Max Use Time in Store command
    - New King of Mu Event   
    - Add Reward Coins in BC,DS,CC   
    - add /toprr /topmr etc   
    - Somente gm fazer o casamento   
    - Disable Wing Mix Class   
    - Remove Class in Main (RF,SU,DL)   
    - Custom Auto Quiz Event   
    - Need ticket to change name Option (S6/S8)   
    - Custom WingMix (Chaos Mix)   
    - Custom Death Message   
    - Custom Npc Collector (trade items per Coins)   
    - Readd point command   
    - Advanced Make itens (/make, /drop, /makeset)   
    - Custom Rank User System (S4,S6)   
    - Disable HP Bar of Monster or User Option   
    - Updated JoinServer to fix dupes   
    - Allow Pk enter in events (BC,CC,DS)   
    - New Gamserver Interface
    - Message Box on Close JS, DS
    - Option TimeToEnter in new events
    - Show Duel Message (S4)
    - Add Delay Option in Custtom Attack
    - Add Delay to Use Potions in Custom Attack
    - Add Auto buff em Custom Attack
    - Attack command disable when set /attack again
    - Add Custom Attack per Map
    - Add Custom attack skill
    - Add Auto Pick command
    - PK drop
    - On login disconnect online account
    - Fix when kill Kundun in k6 move to k7
    - Fix PcPoint Value (Season 4)
    UPDATE 6
    NOVEMBER 2017
    DECEMBER 2017
    JANUARY 2018
    - Show time to start events in GS   
    - Start Blood Castle Option in GS menu   
    - Start Devil Square Option in GS menu   
    - Start Chaos Castle Option in GS menu   
    - Start Illu. Temple Option in GS menu   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingBloodCastle   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingDevildSquare   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingChaosCastle   
    - New Procedures WZ_RankingIllusion Temple   
    - Combo skills for all class   
    - Enable Cs Skills in All Maps   
    - Add shop to buy vip   
    - Custom ranking in game   
    - New command /remaster   
    - New command /ajuda (help)   
    - New command /startbc (help)   
    - New command /startds (help)   
    - New command /startcc (help)   
    - New command /startit (help)   
    - Released 10 custom maps   
    - Released 10 custom bows/crossbows   
    - Disable Reflect Effect   
    - Auto reward run and catch event   
    - Auto reward hide and seek event   
    - Auto reward russian roulette event   
    - Auto reward quickly event   
    - Auto reward Online Lottery event   
    - Fix Set item drop in event item bag   
    - Fix Pc Point value 2 (S4)   
    - Fix Put Custom Wings in Chaos machine(S6)   
    - Fix RF skill Client Crash(S6)   
    UPDATE 7
    FEBRUARY 2018
    - Print screen with logo   
    - RankUser by MasterReset or Reset   
    - Command/description system   
    - New Command.txt system   
    - Require coins to use commands   
    - New Command disablePVP
    - New Command Lock/Unlock   
    - Fix Active MuHelper + CustomAttack at same time
    - Fix duel level message   
    - Fix dead gates of custom mapas   
    - Fix Start Events crash   
    - Improvements events times   
    - /pick best performace   
    - Fix Open Multi-game lag
    UPDATE 8
    MARCH 2018
    - New Command MoveAll   
    - New Command MoveGuild   
    - Event Time Window   
    - Commands Window   
    - New PvP Event(x1)   
    - New Event KillAll   
    - New Custom Menu   
    - BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
    - Add triple shot skill in /attack   
    - Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
    - Update in events time in GS   
    UPDATE 8
    MARCH 2018
    - New Command MoveAll   
    - New Command MoveGuild   
    - Event Time Window   
    - Commands Window   
    - New PvP Event(x1)   
    - New Event KillAll   
    - New Custom Menu   
    - BuyVip - Add vip types qtd   
    - Add triple shot skill in /attack   
    - Fix DarkSpirit Attack in offpvp   
    - Update in events time in GS
    UPDATE 9
    APRIL 2018
    - Common Shop with Socket/Ancient Options   
    - Advanced ZenDrop System   
    - PcPoint Shop with Socket/Ancient Options(S4)   
    - Custom Store wich Cash/gold(S4)   
    - New Command /SetCoin   
    - New Command /Pack jewel   
    - New Command /spot   
    - New Command /startquiz
    - New Command /startdrop
    - New Command /startking
    - New Command /startvt
    - Custom Item Description(S4)   
    - Custom Sell/Buy Value in Common Shop   
    - Bloc word in change name   
    - Add MasterReset required in CustomMove   
    - Add New Dl/Elf Skills in /Attack   
    - CustomCombo improvements   
    - New Team vs team Event   
    - Removed RankUser in Chaos Castle   
    - Removed disabled events in EventTime
    - Fix Kriss lag   OK
    - Fix RankUser Reward   
    - Fix HpBonus Descrease life   
    - Fix Reload Event time   
    UPDATE 10:
    MAY 2018
    - Add Fog effect   
    - Add Smoke effect   
    - Custom disable effects   
    - New MiniMap
    - Fix Kalima + OffPvp
    - Fix CommandDescription with %   
    - Fix Store with time
    - Fix Pack Jewels(S4)   
    - Fix Conqueror wing glow(S8)   
    - Fix Angel and Devil wing glow(S8)   
    - Fix visual skills in attack   
    - Fix Repair All in BlackSmith   
    - Fix DarkSpirit in Offpvp   
    UPDATE 11:
    JUNE 2018
    - Add infinity arrow auto buff   
    - Add /attack auto resume   
    - Add Tvt Event Min/Max Users   
    - Add command notice if need coin to use   
    - Add Expire Date/Message in /banacc command   
    - Add Expire Date/Message in /banchar command   
    - Add auto remove ban   
    - Disable MiniMap with TAB (S6)   
    - Guild Warehouse   
    - Custom Monster/NPC   
    - Custom NPC name   
    - Custom Shops with same NPC   
    - Fix trade events with /re off   
    - Fix full zen bug trade+command   
    - Fix Gameserver maximize layout   
    - Fix PvP Event Respaw   
    UPDATE 12:
    JULY 2018
    - Custom NPC move OK
    - CustomCommandInfo (v2)   
    - Custom RankUser OverHead   
    - Custom Party Icon(s4/s6)
    - Trade Value   
    - Party Disable PK   
    - New Anti SpeedHack Skill System   
    - Update TvtEvent new requistes   
    - Add Auto Heal Skill in /Attack   
    - Add Global Password System   
    - Option to show Rankuser in all places   
    - Option to Hide Reset in Rankuser   
    - Option to Hide MReset in Rankuser   
    - Option to Change MReset name in Rankuser   
    - Disable Party HpBar option   
    - Increase CustomShops to 100   
    - Fixes in custom buy vip windows   
    - Others fixes   
    UPDATE 13:
    - GS and GSCS new interface   
    - MasterReset remove fixed resets   
    - Command Start Invasion   
    - Command Start Custom Arena   
    - Custom Quest Command (v2)   
    - Custom EventTime (v2)   
    - Custom Npc Quest   
    - Custom Npc Name up to 100   
    - Custom Pick (v2)   
    - Add Custom Pick Excelent   
    - Add Custom Pick Socket   
    - Add Custom Pick SetItem   
    - Enable Lucky item trade   
    - Disable Duel Restore HP   
    - Disable Duel Restore SD   
    - Require Reset/MResets to enter in room   
    - Add Reset/MasterReset Requisite on Create Character
    - Fixes in MapServerMove   
    - Other fixes   
    UPDATE 14:
    - Custom RF Gloves (S6)
    - Custom Start Item
    - Custom Interdace (S6)
    - Speed SkillHack auto bloc account
    - Add PK disable shop option
    - Add PK disable trade option
    - Add SummonMonsterRate in CustomMonster.txt
    - Show ping in game option
    - Show Fps in game option
    - Stop Auto Reset when vip is over
    - Fix auto move from Icarus if dinorant/fenrir died
    - Fix Custom CommandInfo (S8)
    - Fix DL Summon Party Skill (PK)
    - Fix Pk Item drop to PkLevel 3 only
    - Fix BuyVip + CustomStore
    - Fix GuildWareHouse + Lock command
    - Fix Reset remove zen
    - Fix OffPvp command in Events
    - Fix RankUser in GameMaster
    - Fix Start event option
    - Fix in Disconnect Accounts
    - Fix Npc Quest Add Buff
    UPDATE 15:
    - Add Duel MaxScore Option
    - Add CustomMove to CustomNpcCommand
    - Add CustomExchangeCoin to CustomNpcCommand
    - Add Pk Drop Item by map Option
    - Add Berserker buff(SUM) in Custom Attack
    - Auto Reward Online Users System
    - Auto Party buff Mana shield in Custom Attack
    - Custom Exchange Coin Command
    - Custom Duel Bet
    - Custom Mix
    - Custom disable item glow
    - Guils vs Guils Event
    - Skill Summon enable PK Move Option
    - MapManager.txt updated
    - Skill Damage System
    - Guild Assistant/Battle Master can get Cs Crown
    - Fix S6 Duel Score with Custom Interface S1/S2/S3
    - Fix update MasterReset/Reset in rank user
    - Fix Master Reset check in Custom Move
    - Fix Guild Warehouse Dupe

    ***Hidden content cannot be quoted.***

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