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    Developer C++ kayito's Avatar

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    Smile MuEmu 0.97k + Tools + Sources - kayito

    Hi everyone. I want to share my MuEmu adapted to main 0.97.11 (0.97k).
    This means that its not a downgrade because the muserver works with the main 97 original.

    This post includes:
    -Full Client 0.97.11 Original
    -Full MuServer MuEmu 0.97 + DataBase compatible exclusive with this files
    -Mu Editor compatible exclusive with this files
    -BMD Editor compatible exclusive with this files
    -Sources of Main.dll
    -Sources of Full MuServer (ConnectServer, JoinServer, DataServer, GameServer)
    -Sources of Mu Editor (Created in C#)
    -Sources of BMD Editor (Created in C#)

    Description of the files:

    MuServer Info

    * Devil Square
    * Blood Castle

    * Death King
    * Red Dragon
    * Goldens

    -Bonus Manager
    * Experience rate
    * Item drop rate
    * Common item drop rate
    * Excellent item drop rate
    * Reset Amount
    * Grand Reset Amount

    -Item Management
    * Item Drop
    * Item Option
    * Item Option Rate
    * Item Value
    * Item Stack

    -Item Bag Management
    * Item Bag Manager (Items, Monsters)
    * Item Bag Normal
    * Item Bag Advanced

    -Chaos Mix
    * Chaos Weapon
    * Wing 1
    * Wing 2
    * Devil Square Ticket
    * Blood Castle Ticket
    * Fruits
    * Dinorant
    * +10 ~ +11 Plus Item Level

    * Damage PVP
    * Damage PVM
    * Reflect PVP
    * Reflect PVM
    * Damage x Class PVP
    * Damage x Class PVM
    * Damage Class x Class
    * Stuck Rate
    * Damage Multiplier
    * Guardian Rate (Angel, Satan, Uniria, Dinorant)
    * HP, MP, BP Recovery Rate
    * Physic and Magic Damage Rate
    * Attack Success Rate
    * Attack Success Rate PVP
    * Speed Rate
    * Defense Rate
    * Defense Success Rate
    * Defense Success Rate PVP

    * Buffs Timers and Rates
    * Skills Damage

    Client Info

    * Launcher Block
    * IpAddress, Port, Version, Serial
    * Window Name, Screenshots Path
    * Character Speed Settings
    * Reconnect Time
    * Map Manager (Swimable, Movement, Name, Music)

    -Rebuilded Window System (Fixed Minimize and Window Mode)
    -Resolutions from 640x480 to 1920x1080
    -Camera 3D + Rotation Damage FIX
    -Tray Mode With F12 Key
    -Multilanguage Text.bmd and Dialog.bmd
    -Reconnect System (Enable/disable from GetMainInfo)
    -Stats and Numbers FIX (HP, MP, BP, Monster Damage)
    -MiniMap With Zoom and Show/Hide with Tab (Enable/disable from GetMainInfo)
    -Guild Logo View
    -HealthBar (2 types) (Enable/disable from GetMainInfo)
    -SkyDome (Like Skybox but rounded) (Enable/disable from GetMainInfo)
    -MoveList With M Key (Enable/disable from GetMainInfo)
    -Right Click Move Items from/to Interfaces (Chaos Mix, Trade, Warehouse)
    -Sincronized Chaos Mix Rates With MuServer
    -Sincronized Item Prices (Buy, Sell, Repair) With MuServer
    -Sincronized Server Names on Select Server With ConnectServer ServerList.dat
    -And Some Important Fixes



    Source atualizada no GitHub Update21

    Password: kayitoMuServer97

    - xteam
    - muemu
    - kayito
    Last edited by kayito; 01-20-2024 at 04:00 AM.

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