Citação Originally Posted by arbok Ver Post
1) Upload and extract website file zip in your webhost.
2) Enable PHP 7.4 extensions: ioncube_loader, pdo_dblib ( others extensions probably by default are enabled )
3) For PHP settings change "upload" and "post" limit to 64MB ( this settings exists somewhere on php settings )
4) Create MySQL database in webhost ( remember DB name, user & pass for shcsd_con.php file )
5) Open shcsd_con.php, replace lic_id_empt to any random number & enter MySQL connection info from before.
6) From shcsd_con.php edit first 3 CronJob urls with correct domain name & copy line into webhost CronJob list with 1 minute execute.
7) In shcsd_con.php replace "installCheck_empt" to a random key for instalation & copy it, save shcsd_con.php file and go to url to install cms with this new key.
No tópico inicial já tem postado esse passo a passo, mas não conseguir fazer funcionar a web.